“The statehood bid is the PA/PLO's first direct confrontation of the Israeli occupation and US support for it since the peace process. However, unless the PA/PLO considers the bid the first step on a new strategic course, the diplomatic maneuver is little more than a bluff, a slight diversion before resuming the status quo of US-brokered bilateral negotiations”
Monday, 25 July 2011
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Anders Behring Breivik und seine Wirre Welt
Anders Behring Breivik "zählt Österreich demnach zu jenen Ländern, die sich „mehr oder weniger der islamischen Herrschaft“ unterworfen haben sollen. Im Namen der „europäischen Widerstandsbewegung“ bietet er Österreich die „volle Begnadigung“ an, sollte es sich bis zum 1. Jänner 2020 ergeben. Widrigenfalls drohe ein Atomangriff."
Norway deadly attack: Anders Behring Breivik - an Ultra-Orthodox Zionist
In his Terrorist Manual, (called 2083), Anders Behring Breivik shows almost in every page that he is in fact an ultra-orthodox” Zionist with ties to the EDL.
He notes: "Jews that support multiculturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists."
Check the full text of the manual HERE
So Anders Behring Breivik (the Norwegian terrorist) turns out to be a Zionist with links to the EDL. Utoya turns out to be an island where heavily pro Palestinian activities were taking place.
Some pictures of Utoya prior to the attack, and yes those are Palestinian flags.
“The teenagers who took part in Norway's ruling party youth camp in the island of Utoya met with Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere and demanded he recognize Palestine on Wednesday, two days before the deadly terror attack which left many of them dead”
Friday, 8 July 2011
Palestinian Civil Society Calls for Military Embargo of Israel
For a detailed legal and political analysis of international military relations with Israel and their impact, please see the following working paper.