Wednesday 8 June 2011

Islamic Brotherhood & the Civil State

Islamic Brotherhood leader thinks that “rejecting an Islamic reference for state is immoral”. The leader can't see any contradiction in a civil state and a reference to a certain religion.

Egypt and the Arab World have to chose whether they are for apartheid, inequality and second class citizens or for a system of government that reflects all segments of the society, including atheists. It should be clear in a civil state, there can’t be a reference to a certain religion but the state should be driven by strong and unequivocal reference(s) to basic rights and democratic values. Instead of having a reference to a certain religion in the constitutions, we should work on showing the rich history, culture and diversity of the Arab World.

p.s. Freedom of religion includes the treatment of all religions equally, in addition to the right of people not to have a certain religion, otherwise there is no difference between the so called “Jewish State” and the 'vision' of the Islamic Brotherhood of a civil state.

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